I'm still trying to get over the fact that John McCain didn't vet Sarah Palin. Forget what it would have found: Imagine it would have found nothing. What does it say about McCain that in the most important executive decision he's ever made, when he decides to choose a young politician with an unfamiliar record in public life, he decides to forgo due diligence? This is, according to his campaign, the person Americans should trust if John McCain has to cede the presidency. But John McCain is a 30-year congressional veteran who's been in the public eye for decades now. We know John McCain. We don't know Sarah Palin. The point of a vice presidential pick is that the candidate knows his choice, that John McCain knows Sarah Palin and can vouch for her record. But it turns out he didn't either! There's a carelessness to this decision, a willingness to go with his gut and ignore the potential consequences, that speaks very poorly of McCain's ability to actually be president.