VICTOR DAVIS HANSON IS CONCERNED. As I am old, and therefore new to life on the Internets, I haven't had a chance to catalogue personally all the fauna contained therein, but, I must say, that this fellow here strikes me as quite likely the silliest gibbering gibbon in the high forest. This isn't a column. It's something you hear on the radio between Traffic On The Three's and a commercial for hair-replacement nostrums. Let us ignore the rather, ah, flexible definition of the word "recent" as regards the Durbin and Kerry quotes, to say nothing of the fact that a Classicist and Historian can summon up as examples of Republican "ineptness" only George Bush in a flight suit and Mark Foley in heat. I'm neither a Classicist nor a Historian, but I'm fairly sure I can do better than that just by flying to Baton Rouge and driving down I-10 South for a while. I do give the Classicist and Historian big props, though, for managing to get the word "poontang" onto a website staffed by people very likely unfamiliar with the concept.
--Charles P. Pierce