VPOTUS? It�s pretty clear that Jim Webb tore it up last night. Aside from that odd reference to the �seventh� time Bush has spoken on energy independence in a SOTU (he�s given six), he was on fire, as my pal BB from Albany put it. I don�t think there was one clich� in the whole thing. The segue from father to himself to brother to son was engrossing without being maudlin, and the final phrase -- �if he does not, we will be showing him the way� -- was pitch perfect.
I say he put himself in the veepstakes with his response. A hasty judgment, yes. And there are the downsides of a.) he will have been in the Senate for a year and change, and b.) all those old comments about women in combat would be dredged up again (the comments are from 1979). But being that effective on television, and being from Virginia�
--Michael Tomasky