This is what the Washington Post editorial page had to say about birtherism two days ago:
IT SAYS SOMETHING embarrassing — actually, make that disturbing — about the state of American politics that the president of the United States took to the White House briefing room Wednesday to prove that he had, in fact, been born in the United States. The White House's move to unseal, and release, Barack Obama’s birth certificate came after polls indicated a growing number of Americans doubting that basic fact. A USA Today/Gallup Poll released Monday showed that just 38 percent believe that Mr. Obama was “definitely” born in the United States, with 18 percent saying he “probably” was.
Indeed, it's so embarrassing and disturbing that the Washington Post went ahead and invited Donald Trump to be their guest at the White House Correspondent's dinner. I can't think of a decision that better reflects the feigned disapproval of Trump's antics from media elites who have gleefully enabled his buffoonery.