No, that's not an exaggeration:
In an interview Sunday on ABC's "This Week," British radical Muslim activist Anjem Choudary made clear what he and his Islamist brothers have planned for the West. "We do believe, as Muslims, the East and the West will one day be governed by the Shariah," he said. "Indeed, we believe that one day, the flag of Islam will fly over the White House." He then quoted a hadith, or saying of Muhammad, as related by 10th-century Muslim scholar Al-Tabarani, that "the final hour will not come until Muslims conquer the White House." Another version of the saying goes, "A small portion of Muslims will rise and conquer the White House."
Many Americans believe this conquest is well underway, if not already secretly completed. President Obama was concerned enough about perceptions of his faith to address the question at one of his recent "backyard discussions" in New Mexico. Mr. Obama said he is "a Christian by choice," which may or may not assuage the concerns of those who believe he is a Muslim by birth.
Game over man! Game over! Your burqa's in the mail, or it would be if your Islamist Big Guvmint post office wasn't out of those commemorative Eid stamps.
I'd say this editorial is painfully stupid, but it's very clearly an attempt to reinforce several conservative myths -- that radical Muslims are on the verge of "conquering" a mostly Christian country of 300 million people with the aid of the president, who is not only a closet Muslim but one who wants to see America governed by Taliban-style Islamic law. The hedge "many Americans believe" is simply pretext for amplifying the myth -- why might some Americans believe that? Because the Washington Times editorial page has tried really hard to convince them. But even granting the premise, the logic fails -- even if Obama were secretly a radical Muslim, he'd still be an elected official accountable in some sense to both the laws of the United States and the electorate. He'd have no more "conquered" the United States than Jimmy Carter.
Of course maybe the Times is just trying to make Sharron Angle's supposition that Sharia was already taking hold in the U.S. sound a little less nuts.