That from the lips of televangelist and Mike Huckabee pal Kenneth Copeland, describing his response to Sen. Charles Grassley's investigation into his use of non-profit donor funds for his family's personal use, and to fund for-profit enterprises run by the Copeland family.Copeland was shown Tuesday night on CBS News making that statement to his annual ministry conference -- the same conference at which he raised money for Huckabee. Take a look at the video for more clips of Copeland, interviews with ex-ministry employees who saw donor money funneled to for-profit purposes, and shots of Copeland's house sprawling mansion, and fleet of jets:Meanwhile, the Associated Press is reporting that Copeland is denying that he endorsed or raised money for Huckabee during his ministers' conference last week:
Russ Florence of Tulsa, Okla., a spokesman for Copeland, said in a statement that the event did not amount to an endorsement of Huckabee by Kenneth Copeland Ministries. He said Huckabee's campaign rented one of the rooms after the ministers' conference and Kenneth Copeland Ministries did not make a contribution to Huckabee's campaign."No offering was or has been taken for any political candidate by Kenneth Copeland Ministries or at a KCM event," Florence said.Huckabee campaign spokeswoman Alice Stewart said she could not confirm the amount raised, but said that Huckabee and Copeland spoke by phone last week. The former Arkansas governor also is an ordained Southern Baptist minister."Basically, Kenneth Copeland simply asked him how he could pray for him and the governor asked him to pray for physical stamina for the team and the financial resources that they need each day," she said. "I'm not sure who called who."Huckabee's campaign released a statement saying it rented a room for "a separate event that was hosted by a private individual" and was not affiliated with Copeland's ministry. The campaign said the event conformed with campaign finance laws and tax regulations.I wonder whether there will be a "several page lesson on 'no'" on this matter as well, and whether Grassley (and the IRS) will take no for an answer.--Sarah Posner