As Gershom Gorenberg reports in more depth on the main site, a fledgling non-profit voice for sanity in the Middle East launches today. It's called J Street and hopes to eventually counteract the influence of AIPAC.
J Street represents Americans, primarily but not exclusively Jewish, who support Israel and its desire for security as the Jewish homeland, as well as the right of the Palestinians to a sovereign state of their own - two states living side-by-side in peace and security. We believe ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is in the best interests of Israel, the United States, the Palestinians, and the region as a whole.
J Street supports diplomatic solutions over military ones, including in Iran; multilateral over unilateral approaches to conflict resolution; and dialogue over confrontation with a wide range of countries and actors when conflicts do arise.
Check out J Street's introductory video.
Sign up for updates and action alerts at the J Street site.
--Dana Goldstein