Shakes here…
As the midterms draw ever nearer, Bush's poll numbers are sinking like a snitch with cement blocked feet, providing the Dems with an opportunity to make some headway come election time. The electorate, however, still doesn't seem entirely convinced that the Dems are the solution to their problems, and we routinely hear that the Dems lack a cohesive message. So what's their plan?
Via Political Wire, we find that "Senate Democrats have come up with five issue areas that candidates will focus on in the 2006 races." The issues: National security, energy independence, economic strength, retirement security and health care.
I like health care as an issue. The reason I like it is because it's firmly a progressive issue. Even though Bush passed his idiotic, corporate-welfare Medicaid reform bill, I sincerely doubt there's anyone with two brain cells still knocking around between their ears who believes it was illustrative of a GOP determination to solve the health care crisis in America.