A new Washington Post poll:

About two-thirds of those polled say they have been hurt financially by the recession, with extensive reports that job losses and pay reductions are hitting home. Most call the economic situation a source of stress in their lives, and that anxiety also stems from apprehension of what may lie ahead for their families.Nearly six in 10 Americans are now concerned about job or pay losses in the coming months, little changed since February, and there has been no increase in the percentage who see the federal government's stimulus efforts as having an impact, even as the pace of layoffs has eased in recent months. And there is lukewarm public confidence that the government is enacting measures to stave off another financial crisis.It would be interesting to see what percentage of the Tea Bagger crowd are unemployed or have otherwise suffered in the economy. But the point is that you don't need to come up with complex theories about why people are concerned with the president's policies: It's the economic anxiety, stupid -- although Obama still maintains a bare majority approval rating in this poll, higher ratings in specific policy areas than the opposition, and has been trending upward in most tracking polls. Sixty-five percent of people believe, accurately, the Bush administration's policies led to the recession, while the number of people who believe the Obama administration isn't doing enough remains about 27 percent. Over time, those numbers will shift as the current administration is perceived to own the economy, and that's when it will be imperative for the White House to demonstrate results.
-- Tim Fernholz