WHOA. This is a fairly optimistic representation of my work by SEIU. They have, on their site, a link to both the interview I did with Stern and my afterthoughts on it. "American Prospect writing fellow and blogger Ezra Klein interviewed SEIU President Andy Stern last week about the union�s involvement in � and the consequences of � the Better Health Care Together partnership. Hours later, Klein posted this follow-up commentary endorsing SEIU�s strategy." "Endorsing," huh? The post is here. Judge for yourself whether it's an endorsement. Update: I should probably be more explicit. I think what Stern is doing could turn out to be truly brilliant, or genuinely catastrophic. It could bring Wal-Mart into the fight for universal health care, or take the pressure off them without getting anything in return. We'll have to wait and see. That said, "endorsement" is a strong term for a post that's half criticism, and it sort of wipes out my actual points -- hence my snap reaction. However, as some in the comments pointed out, the SEIU web site links to both the interview and the post, and so is being quite transparent, even as the descriptions cause me to bridle a bit. --Ezra Klein