Shakes here…
Golly, I enjoy shedding pretense. It's always so nice to let the ol' hair down, do away with the cumbersome pretenses of a civilized society, and expose the raw, unapologetic sexist lurking in all of us. Wouldn't you agree, Mort Kondracke?
Fox News host Mort Kondracke, the "left-leaning" counterpart to Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes on Fox News' The Beltway Boys, said last night that incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) should be nicknamed the "Wicked Witch of the West."
…KONDRACKE: So the history on House leadership is, we had "The Hammer," Tom DeLay, and now we have the "Wicked Witch of the West," you know, Nancy Pelosi, who is twisting arms and making — you know, having her aides making threats, and stuff like that.
Mmm…refreshing. Hearing the first ever female Speaker of the House called a witch within 24 hours of being elected to the role goes down smooth. The Photoshops of a green-faced Pelosi with her winged monkeys Hoyer and Murtha will be a splendid chaser.