A new poll out from Planned Parenthood and Hart Research Associates finds that half of female voters in 16 battleground states don't know enough about John McCain's voting record and platform to say whether or not it corresponds with their own views on reproductive health. About one in four of his pro-choice supporters say they'd be significantly less likely to vote for him once they learn he opposes Roe v. Wade and supports abstinence-only education. Hart reports:
The simple arithmetic of these findings suggests that just filling in McCain's actual voting record and his publicly stated positions on a handful of key issues has the potential to diminish his total vote share among battleground women voters by about 17 to 20 percentage points in either match-up.
Yes. This is the kind of "d'oh" attack ad I'd like to see. "Did you know John McCain opposes Roe and would keep your health insurance company from covering birth control pills?"
--Dana Goldstein