By Alyssa Rosenberg Dude, given that Ta-Nehisi Coates and his readers appointed Lando Calrissian as the Official Black Spokesman and are looking for "One Caucasian Who Speaks For You All," how can there be any possible choice other than Princess Leia Organa? The cinnamon buns are possibly the whitest hairstyle of all time. She's tough, she's decisive, she's principled, she's strong in the Force and a rockin' New Republic politician, and she and Lando can spar and then go out and absolutely wreak some havoc on slug-like crime lords. Okay, she is lame enough to take Han's name when she marries him after he kidnaps her and takes her on the worst romantic getaway ever. But even with that in the balance, Princess Leia can speak for me any time.