In the summer, breakfast is easy. Medium iced coffee, splash of cream, half packet of Splenda. And oh, is that a banana? Yeah, I’ll take a banana. The winter is harder. For years, in fact, I’ve struggled with the question of winter breakfasts. Cold weather food must be warming. But warming food tends to be heavy. And I’m not going to braise a pork loin for my breakfast. Oatmeal, of course, is the obvious choice, but it’s never quite worked for me. Too much mush. The sort of thing Oliver Twist wanted seconds of, but I don’t really want any of.A week ago, walking through the market, inspiration shook loose from the deepest reaches of my memory. Grape Nuts! When I was a kid, my mother used to microwave them for me. One minute. They would soften, plumping with milk. They’d be sweet, and nutty, but still with a nice echo of their former rough texture. So I gave it a shot. Momma Klein was right. Warmed Grape Nuts are, by far, the world’s finest winter breakfast.Also at IFA.