More nuggets from the Clinton camp's media call, which is just finishing up: Ace Smith, when asked about polls in Texas tightening: “I don’t think there’s any movement. What’s meaningful is what you see on the ground here. We don’t lose any sleep about the polls.” On TX, Mark Penn added: “I think we are seeing substantial turnout among the Latino community. Even if public polls tighten, we think we have excellent prospects there.” Penn, on Wisconsin significance tonight: “There is a large independent vote in this primary. We’ve always seen this as challenging.” Asked by USA Today's Susan Page how the WI results might affect their respective states, Smith of TX said, “I think Texans will make up their own minds.” Robbie Mook echoed: “I don’t think voters in Ohio are worrying about the horse race…I think they’ll be looking at what the candidates do here.” --Tom Schaller