Ryan Avent is rightly annoyed with the odd idea that the markets somehow fear Democrats:
That, I'd say snottily, is how the market perceived the Democrat. Then I'd post this chart showing the Dow Jones Industrial Average from November 1st, 2000, to November 4th, 2008, which is to say, the Bush years:
That, I'd snark, is how the market reacts to Republican rule. But of course, I'm not going to do that, because radically misrepresenting the movement of the stock market in order to make hackish arguments and deceive my audience in a manner they enjoyed would be beneath me.
One of the more aggravating tropes of this election season has been the right wing suggestion that markets sank during September and October because Obama was gaining in the polls. This is idiotic. But still, last night a CNBC show called Fast Money debated whether markets might tank if Obama won. But I suppose that people who get their advice from a television show called Fast Money deserve to lose money, fast.Anyway, the whole hypothesis is dumb, but if we’re playing that silly game, then I’ll point out that Intrade contracts on Obama are up 2 points today, to 93 (darn close to a sure win), and markets? Well, they’re up too, by nearly 300 points.And if I were going to play this game, I'd post this chart showing the movement of the Dow Jones Industrial Average from November 1st, 1992, to January 20th, 2001, which is to say, spanning the Clinton years.