In addition to the pay raise, there are other personnel initiatives in the bill that the White House opposes.Odd. When the numbers willing to serve in the military are falling, a "free market" conservative should insist on making the wages and other benefits of the job more attractive. That would be a concrete way of supporting the troops.A prohibition on converting medical jobs held by military members into civilian positions drew opposition. "This will eliminate the flexibility of the Secretary of Defense to use civilian medical personnel for jobs away from the battlefield and at the same time use the converted military billets to enhance the strength of operating units," the policy statement says.
A death gratuity for federal civilian employees who die in support of military operations, and new benefits for disabled retirees and the survivors of military retirees also drew complaints.
This includes the transfer of the GI Bill benefits program for reservists from the Department of Defense to the Department of Veterans Affairs, a step that GI Bill supporters said is needed to set the stage for increases in reserve benefits that have been kept low by the military because it views the program as a retention incentive rather than a post-service education program.
--J. Goodrich