Marc Ambinder posts the transcript of the exchange about licenses for undocumented immigrants from last night's debate. The important point:
OBAMA: When I was a state senator in Illinois, I voted to require that illegal aliens get trained, get a license, get insurance to protect public safety. That was my intention. And -- but I have to make sure that people understand. The problem we have here is not driver's licenses. Undocumented workers do not come here to drive.
They don't go -- they're not coming here to go to the In-N-Out Burger. That's not the reason they're here. They're here to work.
And so instead of being distracted by what has now become a wedge issue, let's focus on actually solving the problem that this administration, the Bush administration, had done nothing about it.
It was a sound response to a what has been a silly (and repetitious) question. He continued:
OBAMA: But what I also know, Wolf, is that if we keep on getting distracted by this problem, then we are not solving it.
Which of course Blizter couldn't accept, as it would ruin the preferred style of contentious and shallow debate:
BLITZER: But -- because this is the kind of question that is sort of available for a yes or no answer.
Available ... because that's the quality of debate the likes of Blizter and co. are inclined to put forth -- "Yes" or "No," even when the question requires a much more complex response.
--Kate Sheppard