Imagine you were the speaker of the Missouri state House. In addition to legislating and naming committee chairmen, you'd also have a pretty awesome perk: choosing who gets bronze busts in the state Capitol rotunda. Who to pick might be a challenge. As The New York Times notes, there are a lot of famous Missourians without the giant casts, from modern folks like Maya Angelou to old West heroes.
House Speaker Steven Tilley, tasked with this momentous decision, picked Rush Limbaugh. And no amount of calling people "sluts" is going to persuade Tilley to change his mind, telling the Times, "in my part of the state, we're proud of him."
The Times story notes that Mark Twain will be among the others getting enshrined with Limbaugh. You can only wonder what he would have to say. I'm guessing it would be wittier than a joke about watching women have sex in exchange for birth control access.