Departing from normal news practice, the Washington Post put another editorial complaining about President Obama's deficits on the front page. The subhead says it all: "Concern Mounts in White House as 2010 Elections Loom." Who is concerned? The story doesn't tell us. Who says that they are concerned? The story doesn't tell us. In short, it's not clear that there is any news here. But, the Washington Post wants to highlight the budget deficit, so it won't let such details stand in the way, after all there were protesters in Wisconsin calling President Obama a socialist. That's enough for a front page news story in the Washington Post. Needless to say, the Washington Post has no problem ignoring completely far larger protests that don't agree with its editorial agenda, much less putting them on the front page. It is incredible that at a time when close to 15 million people are out of work that the Washington Post can continue to obsess about the deficit. Of course this is also a paper that highlights on the front page that it is now easier to hire nannies. There is no doubt which side the Washington Post is on.
--Dean Baker