Readers can infer the NYT's approval based on the "Homeowner Rescue Plan Passed Despite Veto Threat." article's headline Supporters of the plan undoubtedly like to call it a "homeowner" rescue plan, but that does not make it an accurate description of the plan.
This bill, the central feature of which is having the FHA guarantee new mortgages to replace one's currently facing default, would first and foremost be helping the banks who hold bad mortgages. All the checks get written to banks, not homeowners. Banks get to decide which mortgages qualify for the program, not homeowners. Congress also opted not to put in price guarantee restrictions that would have prevented the guarantees being set at bubble-inflated prices.
The headline could have read with at least as much justification "Bank Rescue Plan Passed Despite Veto Threat." This headline involves some very serious editorializing.
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