This is not semantics, this is a question of accurately understanding trade policy. Robert Rubin has never pushed trade deals that focused on eliminating the barriers that make it difficult for highly educated professionals from developing countries from working in the United States. Has has actively promoted trade agreements that increase protectionist barriers in the form of copyright and patent protection. I know BTP readers have heard me make these points hundreds of times, but obviously they will have to continue to be made until the media stops asserting that Rubin and his ilk support "free trade." Trade policy in the last quarter century has been about one-sided protectionism, not free trade. It has been a major factor shifting income upward over this period. It is one of the main misconceptions promoted by the beneficiaries of these policies. Trade policy is perhaps the quintessential example of a Conservative Nanny State policy masquerading as a free market policy. The media should not be helping the wealthy conceal the true nature of their trade agenda.
--Dean Baker