Via Matt comes CAP's Melissa Lazarin talking through Obama's education plans.
I'm still a bit skeptical that major education reform will emerge this year. It's one of the administration's touted priorities, but the articulated vision is a lot less detailed than it it is on cap and trade or health reform. Similarly, congressional Democrats don't really know what they'd do if handed the keys to the educational kingdom: The Left is seized by arguments between different camps of reformers, not united behind a single vision of reform. Insofar as anyone agrees on anything, it's that the federal government should have a lot more direct power over schools than it does now (the Secretary of Education is actually quite weak). But some Democrats want that power used to bust teachers unions and some Democrats want that power used to increase funding and some Democrats want both things, or neither, and so it's unclear what the consensus vision would look like even in broad outlines. I still like to recommend Kevin Carey's article on this whenever I get the chance.