Poll Results That Tell Us We Should...
15% of Americans associate "compassionate conservatism" with George W. Bush.
47% say they have "never heard" of Bill Bradley being a professional basketball player.
31% associate "health insurance for the uninsured" with Al Gore.
39% "recall a news story about [the] campaign."
15% have "talked about [the] campaign."
34% have "thought about [the] campaign."
71% say they are paying "only a little" attention or "none" to the presidential election campaign.
65% say "the campaign has been boring."
...Take Certain Other Poll Results with a Grain of Salt
51% say they will vote for or are leaning toward George W. Bush in a two-way matchup against Al Gore.
54% say they will vote for or are leaning toward George W. Bush in a two-way matchup against Bill Bradley.
Sources: Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, 12/99; The Vanishing Voter Project at Harvard University's Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy, 1/12/00; ABC News/Washington Post, 1/16/00.