So here's some good news to start off 2012. The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, a nonpartisan polling source and a reporter's default source on almost everything, released a report last week on how Americans feel about various political labels. The most liked term: "progressive," which 67 percent react positively to, while only 22 percent have a negative response. But don't get too happy: "Conservative" is a close second, with 62 percent of Americans reacting favorably and 30 percent disliking it. Since these are highly contradictory results, we're obviously talking about feelings, not thoughts. (Let's see, where might most Prospect readers land in that poll?)
But here's the most dangerous term: "socialism," which makes 60 percent of Americans reach for their guns. (OK, maybe I'm interpreting this somewhat colorfully.) Especially when it's promoted by a Kenyan-born Muslim. Guess what term Romney et al. are tossing around, um, liberally?