Max Sawicky

Max B. Sawicky is an economist for the Economic Policy Institute. He has worked in the Office of State and Local Finance of the U.S. Treasury Department and the U.S. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations.

Mr. Sawicky has studied and written about the economics of public finance, including the federal budget, tax policy, the U.S. federal system, state and local finance, privatization, and welfare reform. His reports for the Economic Policy Institute include: "The Roots of the Public Sector Fiscal Crisis"; "The Poverty of the New Paradigm"; and "Up From Deficit Reduction." He is a co-author (with Craig Richards and Rima Shore) of Risky Business: Private Management of Public Schools, and editor of The End of Welfare? Consequences of Federal Devolution for the Nation.

Mr. Sawicky has been a contributor to USA Today, Newsday, the Newark Star-Ledger, the Austin-American Statesman, the San Diego News-Tribune, the Cincinatti Enquirer, the Houston Chronicle, the Dayton Daily News, In These Times, Challenge, the Progressive Populist, Dollars and Sense, Dissent, Aging Today, Social Policy, Jobs and Capital, Education Digest, the School Administrator, Social Forces, Intellectual Capital, the Review of Radical Political Economics, New Economy, and the New Zealand Journal of Industrial Relations. He is an at-large national board member of Americans for Democratic Action.

Mr. Sawicky received a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland at College Park. He currently resides with his wife and daughter in Silver Spring, Maryland.

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