Chris Tuite/imageSPACE/MediaPunch/IPX
Protest scene, July 25, 2020, in Portland, Oregon
The future of the Republic may depend on it.
Trump, with the aid of Bill Barr, has come up with the diabolically clever ploy of sending his private federal army into cities whose mayors don’t want the help, ostensibly to protect federal property and prevent violence.
Everyone knows this is a sham, intended to provoke more violence and depict Trump as a law-and-order president. But—wouldn’t you know it—the extreme fringe of the far left is playing into Trump’s hands, aided by a few angry poor people smashing downtown windows. Some people dressing up as antifa may even be right-wing provocateurs.
Mayors are caught in this crossfire. Some were the original targets of protests that were mostly peaceful, but with violent fringes. Now, people are in the streets, mad at everybody.
It reminds me of the old Irish bar joke, of a bystander watching a brawl and asking: Is this a private fight, or can anybody get into it?
Asking our far-left comrades to exercise some self-discipline is a fool’s errand. The extreme left loves moments like this. As they used to say, it “heightens the contradictions” of the capitalist system, and brings us closer to the revolution.
Read some fricking history, people. Read about the German communists in the early 1930s who confidently declared, “After Hitler, Us!”
You say you want a revolution? Trump is the revolution. This way lies fascism.