The mass murderer of El Paso, shortly before he started shooting, posted that he was seeking to repel “the Hispanic invasion of Texas.” In this, consciously or merely zeitgeist-ly, he was echoing our president, who'd previously spoken of the “invasion” of the United States by Hispanics at the border.
It's clear (and not surprising) that the murderer and the president lack even a rudimentary knowledge of American and Texan history. Hispanics settled Texas long before the Anglos came. As to the state's other racial minorities, African Americans initially came to Texas not as invaders but as slaves. And the real Asian American surge began in the wake of the Vietnam War, when a number of the South Vietnamese fleeing communism relocated to the state.
So which ethnic group can fairly be described as the Lone Star State's invaders? Well—white folks. By the Trumpian criterion of repelling invaders, they'd be first on the list of potential deportees. Prudently honing that list to Texas whites who pose a threat to public safety, we could winnow it down to white Republicans, who resolutely refuse to ban the sale of assault weapons and demonize the ethnic groups who got to Texas first.
Just sayin'.