Today marks the debut of my new blog here at the Prospect, which involves a new look, some changes in functionality, and a bit of a rethinking of the content that I post here at the American Prospect's website. While up until now you could find my writing in a couple of different places on the site, it will now all be located here (so bookmark this page!).
What's going to change? I'm going to be doing many of the same things I've been doing until now: writing overly long posts on the political events of the day, making charts and graphs, doing the occasional interview with someone who has an interesting perspective on an important issue, and tossing in some thoughts on culture or technology when the mood strikes. I do plan on writing more of a mix of longer and shorter pieces, with some of both every day.
We've made one major change that I know will make reading the blog easier, which is that you will no longer have to click through to read each post individually, as you did in previous Prospect blogs. All the posts will be here on this page in their entirety.
I hope you'll find what I have to say interesting, edifying, and/or entertaining enough to keep reading. If you have praise, condemnation, or suggestions, feel free to contact me at