To Our Patriotic Seniors:
Are you frustrated by the Democrats’ fake-news claims to be reducing your hard-earned out-of-pocket expenses when you know it’s just one more way to bring us closer to Communism and Collective Farms?
Well, here’s a way YOU can fight back!
The so-called Inflation Reduction Act, which the Democrats plan to ram through the House tomorrow, claims to reduce the monthly cost of insulin co-pays for Medicare recipients to $35. Then, it has the gall to also say it’ll limit your overall medication co-pays to $2000 a year.
Don’t fall for it! Don’t be a Sucker for Socialism!
How can YOU show you won’t go along with these Socialistic Scams?
For a true Patriotic Senior, that question has an easy answer:
Don’t limit your support for our market system to those Democrat-devised limits! Pay the full freight!
Pay more than the $35 a month for your insulin! More than the $2000 a year for all your meds! Show you won’t be swayed from showing your support for the only true-value economic system—capitalism—by these Bolshevik Baubles the Democrats are dangling before you!
Sign this pledge:
I, [your name here], promise to be a Patriotic Senior! I won’t support this Socialist Scheme! I promise to pay the True Price (as determined by the hardworking pharmaceutical industry) on Insulin and All My Meds!
And for every dollar you pay that exceeds this Dastardly Democrat price-fixing, that very same pharmaceutical industry has pledged to match that dollar with an equivalent donation (minus shipping and other expenses) to the Republican House and Senate campaign committees.
And if you match your payment in excess of the Democrats’ fixed prices with an equivalent donation of your own to the Republican campaign committees, the pharmaceutical industry has pledged to match your donation (minus anticipatory carrier interest for pharmaceutical executives subject to the common cold) to those committees as well!
And, as a reward for Your Support, members of Patriotic Seniors will receive bumper stickers (not affixable to electric cars) reading I’M NO SOCIALIST SAP! I PAY PHARMA’S PRICE!
Your congressional campaign committees will send you these stickers free of charge (minus printing, postage, sorting, delivery, and acknowledgment-of-receipt fees, payable in advance).