Today is Giving Tuesday, and we have a suggestion.
As you may have noticed, the Prospect has spent the past 30 years documenting the degeneration of American capitalism and the role many elected officials have played in abetting its descent. We’ve spent the past 30 years suggesting alternative directions in which the nation should move—toward a more democratic economy and a less bigoted society.
This hasn’t placed us high (or anyplace) on the give-to list of corporate donors. Instead, we’ve come through the past three decades thanks to readers like you.
Today, we’re poised to increase our coverage of the ideas, policies, and power relationships that have come to define our nation; to advocate for radically more progressive ideas and policies; and to suggest how we can win the power it will take to realize them.
We’re increasing the yearly number of our print issues from four to six. We’ve redesigned our website so that we can run as many as half a dozen or more new articles every day. And we’re doing this at a time when, as our executive editor David Dayen notes on our site today, magazines and newspapers are dying at an increasing and alarming rate.
It’s your support that has enabled us to expand in a moment like this. And today, we’re instituting a new way you can continue your support.
Today, we’re rolling out the Prospect Monthly Donor Challenge, with three levels of support. Our Ideas level, which costs just $3 a month, will get you all six issues of the print magazine and our daily newsletter. Our Politics level ($10 a month) and our Power level ($500 a year) will get you access to live events, conference calls with writers and editors, and much more. And if now is a bad time for contributions but you still want to help us, we’re one of three entrants in CREDO Mobile’s monthly donation contest for December. By going to and casting a vote for us, you increase our share of CREDO’s monthly contribution to progressive nonprofits.
We’re taking on unjust power and documenting how to build power for justice. We’d appreciate your help.