- Ten Reasons American Health Care is So Bad, Ezra Klein (November 2007)
Of all the countries surveyed in a recent poll, Americans were the least likely to report relative satisfaction with their health care. Here are ten major ways our system is failing us. - The Cost of Delayed Reform, Harold Pollack (July 2010)
The temporary federal high-risk pools won't reach most of the medically uninsured. - Is Roberts the Real Swing Vote on the Affordable Care Act?, Adam Serwer (February 2011)
Why the Chief Justice might vote to uphold the ACA. - The Medicare Bind, Paul Starr (September 2011)
Democrats should defend Medicare. But if they want to accomplish much else, they will have to change it. - The Court Will Rule-And Then?, Harold Meyerson (November 2011)
No matter the outcome, a judicial review of the Affordable Care Act can only hurt Democrats. - Will the Supreme Court Overturn Obamacare?, The Monkey Cage (November 2011)
Two political scientists calculate the probabilities. - In Dire Health, Arnold Relman (January 2012)
Despite the passage of the Affordable Care Act, the U.S. medical system is near collapse. What will save it is a single-payer system and physicians in group practice. - The ACA v. the Supreme Court, Garrett Epps (March 2012)
Opponents of the health-care law argue that Congress can only pass laws that anger or benefit everybody.
- Now Is the Law of Their Discontent, Garrett Epps (March 2012)
The biggest arguments against the Affordable Care Act exist far more in the political realm than the legal.
- After the Affordable Care Act, Paul Waldman (March 2012)
What could happen if the mandate is struck down.