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Start The Steal
This time Republicans will try to steal the election before it happens. Read more
The BS Epidemic
American politics now revolves around complete nonsense. Read more
Hot War to Go
Israel is starting a wider conflict. Read more
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The Prospect Weekly Roundup: Less Than 40 Days Till the Election
This week on our live show, David and Emma talk about the most interesting Senate races in play this November. Read more
Sep 27, 2024
The Prospect Weekly Roundup: Every News Story That’s Happened This Week
David Dayen and Maureen Tkacik try their best to get through all of them. Read more
Sep 20, 2024
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Why We Should Care About Low-Carbon Leisure
Investments in tangible spaces for leisure can increase connection and fun activities while reducing carbon emissions. Read more
Psychological Reparations
Investments to repair racial harms are critical. But so is paying attention to the inner lives of Black Americans. Read more
How Neoliberalism Cuts Off Community
Policies need to be adopted to give Americans a higher purpose and a better connection with other people. Read more
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